Posts in Commercial Aviation
American, Delta, United and Air Canada to stop shipping big game trophies

In the aftermath of the killing of Cecil the Lion, several North American airlines have instituted a ban on transporting exotic game trophies. The question is, why do companies continue to feel the need to insert themselves into insignificant political debates?

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Deutschland Adventure - Selecting my flight

I deliberated quite a bit on my flight options to get to Europe for my Deutschland Adventure. I ultimately took advantage of a great oneworld promotion and bought a paid ticket on British Airways' subsidiary OpenSkies from Newark to Paris-Orly.

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Man claims Delta "held him hostage" to sit beside his child

Frank Strong recently blogged that Delta Air Lines had held him "hostage" and forced him to pay $88 to sit beside his young daughter. However, in reality, it appears that Delta did nothing wrong but was merely implementing pricing strategy, a very reasonable action on the part of most any business.

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